Grafik: Schlüssel.

Privat Room Service Trier

Aside from its own residences, Studiwerk provides a free service for placing students in private accommodation.

Studiwerk's private accommodation administration is located at the uni in the "Studierendenhaus", room 03, as well as at Schneidershof (Hochschule Trier) in the service office.

It has a large range of available rooms and flats in the city of Trier and the surrounding area.

Especially at the start of the semester, looking for available rooms can sometimes be stressful. We recommend that you take care of looking for a room in good time.

  • IMPORTANT:    The Studierendenwerk cannot check whether the living conditions offered by available rooms are reasonable for the price.

The site of Hochschule Trier is approx. 70 km away from the site of Hochschule Birkenfeld.
Rooms can be accepted either by telephone or online (or by e-mail).
  • opening hours:     
Standort Tarforst
Standort Schneidershof
Mo. und Do.
8.30 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr           
Di., Mi. und Fr.
8.30 Uhr bis 12.00 Uhr
Mo. und Do.
8.30 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr           
8.30 Uhr bis 14.00 Uhr

  •     weitere Wohnungsbörsen im Internet     
Trierer Wohnungsmarkt (
Trierer Tageszeitung (Trierischer Volksfreund)     
WG gesucht     

  • Kurzfristige Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten:
Jugendherberge Trier
Kolpinghaus Warsberger Hof
Hilles Hostel


here´s how it work´s

online-privat-rooms - HERE

Foto: Scherf.

Inge Scherf

Mitarbeiterin im Servicepoint TARFORST
Phone: 0800 / STUDIWERK od. 0651/201-3551